Friday, December 19, 2008
besok Indonesia akan bertanding menghadapi Thailand, dalam pertandingann semifinal AFF Suzuki cup 2008 di Thailand. nah, dalam perjalanan merebut salah satu tempat di final tersebut indonesia dah kalah 0-1 dari Thailand di Jakarta kemaren. jadi, jika indonesia pengen maen di final, besok harus maen mati2an dan penuh semangat untuk mengalahkan tuan rumah.
maen di thailand bukan perkara mudah bagi Indonesia, mereka pasti di dukung penonton yang banyak. lha wong tanpa dukungan penuh aja thailand masih bisa maen bagus dan bisa mengalahkan indonesia, apalagi maen di rumah.. ya gak. sebenarnya kalo mau jujur, kualitas tim kita tuh dibawah thailand. kita kalah kelas dari bebagai faktor. misalnya, teknik, kualitas pemain, pelatih, kolektivitas tim, daya juang, semangat, dan emosi yang belum terkontrol.
Dari segi teknik, pemain kita sngat jauh dibanding Thailand, mereka memiliki teknik sepakbola yang yahud punya, dari teknik nmenendang aja pemain kita dah ketinggalan, kalo gak percaya coba liat aja besok. secara individu dan mental bertanding juga bagus walaupun sebagian dari mereka berusia muda. kalo pemain kita udah banyak yang uzur dan tidak memiliki mental bertanding yang cukup. seharusnya dalam timnas perlu banyak bertanding dan menguji serta memasang beberapa pemain muda potensial untuk membentuk karakter juara dan mental bertanding yang cukup.
Kalu dari kualitas pelatih jelas timnas kalah jauh dari segi teknik dan pengalaman. pelatih thailad berasal dari inggris dan pernah menangani tim liga inggris seperti sunderland dan manchester city, jadi timnas thailand memperoleh motivasi dan mendapatkan mental yang bagus karena memiliki pelatih sekelas itu. kalau indonesia, pelatihnya adalah lokal dan hanya pernah menangani di liga lokal. meskipun pernah meraih juara bersama klub lokal.
dengan perbandingan tersebut diatas kita dapat melihat kualitas timnas kita dibanding dengan Thailand. tapi saya sebagai pecinta timnas Indonesia selalu berharap dan berdoa semoga timnas indonesia dapat melangkah lebih dan membalikkan semua ramalan dan prediksi dari semua pengamat serta mampu memberi hasil yang terbaik buat bangsa dan masyarakat indonesia. maju terus INDONESIA, terbang tinggi GARUDA dan hajar GAJAH PUTIH....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
How to Make Powerful Decisions in Life and Business - Key Questions to Ask Yourself By Shona Partridge
There are two key elements which need to be in place to maximise your chances of making powerful decisions that are right for you. First of all, get absolutely clear on your goals. What do you really want your life to look like in a year's time; in five years; in ten years? What would you most regret if it never happened, or if you never made it happen? Next, do some work to identify your core values.
Making powerful decisions rests on these twin pillars - a clear vision of what you want your life to be like and clarity and knowledge round your own absolute core values. With this foundation in place you will find it much easier to make effective decisions fairly quickly. You can then measure each decision against your goals and core values, instead of just reacting to what life throws at you.
A fun exercise you might like to try to get access to your own inner wisdom: imagine yourself aged 80 or 90, looking back on your life. What advice would your older, wiser self give the younger you? Write a letter to yourself and see what comes up. Do this with a pen and paper rather than on your computer screen. This way you will have more direct access to your creative, right brain.
The best decisions are often made from the heart as well as the head. And let's not forget our powerful gut instincts. Intuition can be a very powerful ally when it comes to making difficult decisions. Make sure to check in with your own intuition when processing important decisions in your life or business.
Here are some useful things you can do which will help you make a strong decision:
* It is very helpful to have your written goals to hand so that you are always clear on where you are headed. You can then ask yourself, which decision here will bring me closer to my goals?
* Even before setting your goals, try the following exercise. Write down your core values. What really needs to be present for you in say, a job or a relationship.
* Make a Pros and Cons list. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper and list all the reasons for and against a decision. For instance, that new job may have a higher salary, but if the commute is going to add three hours to your working day, is it worth it? Your values list will help you here. Seeing all this information written down can really help you get clarity.
* Discuss your decision with people you trust, but not people who have a vested interest in influencing you in a particular direction.
* Make sure you have all the information you need but don't fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis"!
* Project forward five years visualising the consequences of each decision. (This can take a bit of practice).
* Take professional advice if appropriate.
Try asking yourself the following questions:
* What will you gain if you do this?
* What do you stand to lose if you don't do this?
* Is it a genuine want based on your values, or is it a "should" from outside? "Should" and "Have to" are often warning signs that we are doing something because of other people's values - not our own. Try changing it to "choose" or "would like to" and see how you feel about the decision now.
* Who else will be affected by this decision?
* What has it cost you personally and professionally to be indecisive?
* What's really stopping you?
Some of the underlying issues around indecision are very similar to those around procrastination. Another potential danger area is perfectionism. If we wait for something to be perfect, we may be waiting a very long time. Indecision can have a negative impact on your life and lead to missed opportunities. If fear is at the root of your indecision, I highly recommend "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" by Susan Jeffers. You might also want to consider counselling or coaching round this issue.
Remember - if you make a decision and it's not right for you, you can always change your mind, but we miss 100% of the shots we don't take!
Mark Twain said: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones that you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover."
Try it!
Shona Partridge is a small business marketing and PR expert and coach. She works with women entrepreneurs and the self employed, teaching PR, Marketing, Writing and Confidence skills. Shona is a licensed "Get Clients Now!" facilitator, PR professional, experienced coach and trained journalist. She's the author of "Self Belief for the Self Employed: How Boosting your Confidence Can Boost Your Business" a new CD and workbook programme and creator of the marketing and PR training system"Marketing Mastery, 12 Key Steps to Success".
Visit for your free Special Reports: WORK EFFECTIVELY FROM HOME and MARKETING MASTERY
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Making powerful decisions rests on these twin pillars - a clear vision of what you want your life to be like and clarity and knowledge round your own absolute core values. With this foundation in place you will find it much easier to make effective decisions fairly quickly. You can then measure each decision against your goals and core values, instead of just reacting to what life throws at you.
A fun exercise you might like to try to get access to your own inner wisdom: imagine yourself aged 80 or 90, looking back on your life. What advice would your older, wiser self give the younger you? Write a letter to yourself and see what comes up. Do this with a pen and paper rather than on your computer screen. This way you will have more direct access to your creative, right brain.
The best decisions are often made from the heart as well as the head. And let's not forget our powerful gut instincts. Intuition can be a very powerful ally when it comes to making difficult decisions. Make sure to check in with your own intuition when processing important decisions in your life or business.
Here are some useful things you can do which will help you make a strong decision:
* It is very helpful to have your written goals to hand so that you are always clear on where you are headed. You can then ask yourself, which decision here will bring me closer to my goals?
* Even before setting your goals, try the following exercise. Write down your core values. What really needs to be present for you in say, a job or a relationship.
* Make a Pros and Cons list. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper and list all the reasons for and against a decision. For instance, that new job may have a higher salary, but if the commute is going to add three hours to your working day, is it worth it? Your values list will help you here. Seeing all this information written down can really help you get clarity.
* Discuss your decision with people you trust, but not people who have a vested interest in influencing you in a particular direction.
* Make sure you have all the information you need but don't fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis"!
* Project forward five years visualising the consequences of each decision. (This can take a bit of practice).
* Take professional advice if appropriate.
Try asking yourself the following questions:
* What will you gain if you do this?
* What do you stand to lose if you don't do this?
* Is it a genuine want based on your values, or is it a "should" from outside? "Should" and "Have to" are often warning signs that we are doing something because of other people's values - not our own. Try changing it to "choose" or "would like to" and see how you feel about the decision now.
* Who else will be affected by this decision?
* What has it cost you personally and professionally to be indecisive?
* What's really stopping you?
Some of the underlying issues around indecision are very similar to those around procrastination. Another potential danger area is perfectionism. If we wait for something to be perfect, we may be waiting a very long time. Indecision can have a negative impact on your life and lead to missed opportunities. If fear is at the root of your indecision, I highly recommend "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" by Susan Jeffers. You might also want to consider counselling or coaching round this issue.
Remember - if you make a decision and it's not right for you, you can always change your mind, but we miss 100% of the shots we don't take!
Mark Twain said: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones that you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover."
Try it!
Shona Partridge is a small business marketing and PR expert and coach. She works with women entrepreneurs and the self employed, teaching PR, Marketing, Writing and Confidence skills. Shona is a licensed "Get Clients Now!" facilitator, PR professional, experienced coach and trained journalist. She's the author of "Self Belief for the Self Employed: How Boosting your Confidence Can Boost Your Business" a new CD and workbook programme and creator of the marketing and PR training system"Marketing Mastery, 12 Key Steps to Success".
Visit for your free Special Reports: WORK EFFECTIVELY FROM HOME and MARKETING MASTERY
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Friday, December 12, 2008
WARKOP DKI, The Legend
WARKOP DKI(Dono, Kasino, Indro) emang gak da tandingan di indonesia. The Best Comedian in Indonesia....
Kenapa gue pengen posting ini karena kemarin dan hari ini aku lihat film lawas warkop yang diputar di televisi. meski banyak sensor karena dah masuk media televisi. filmnya mereka emang gak da matinye, lha gimana gak.. lha wong udah bertahun tahun yang lalu beredar tapi sampe sekarag masih lucu aja kalo di tonton. sampe sekarang aku dan temen2ku masih ada yang hapal dialognya dari adegan per adegan, tapi juga masih bisa ketawa aja. kenapa ya bisa tetep lucu walau guyonannya termasuk guyonan lawas bahkan beberapa dekade yang lalu filmnya dah muncul, faktor apa ya?
Warkop atau sebelumnya Warkop Prambors, juga kemudian dikenal sebagai Trio DKI adalah grup lawak yang dibentuk oleh Nanu (nama asli Nanu Mulyono), Rudy Badil, Dono (Wahjoe Sardono), Kasino (Kasino Hadiwibowo) dan Indro (Indrodjojo Kusumonegoro). Nanu, Rudy, Dono dan Kasino adalah mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI), Jakarta sedangkan Indro kuliah di Universitas Pancasila Jakarta. Mereka pertama kali meraih kesuksesan lewat acara Obrolan Santai di Warung Kopi yang merupakan garapan dari Temmy Lesanpura, Kepala Bagian Programming Radio Prambors. Acara lawakan setiap Jumat malam antara pukul 20.30 hingga pukul 21.15, disiarkan oleh radio Prambors yang bermarkas di kawasan Mendut, Prambanan, Borobudur, alias Menteng Pinggir.
Dalam acara itu, Rudi Badil dalam obrolan sering berperan sebagai Mr. James dan Bang Cholil. Indro yang berasal dari Purbalingga berperan saebagai Mastowi (orang Tegal), Ubai (orang Ansori). Kasino yang asli Gombong perannya bermacam-macam: Mas Bei (orang Jawa), Acing/Acong (orang Tionghoa), dan Buyung (orang Padang). Nanu yang asli Madiun sering berperan sebagai Tulo (orang Batak). Dono sendiri hanya berperan sebagai Mas Slamet (orang Jawa). kemudian Rudy dan Nanu keluar, setelah itu mereka jadi dikenal lewat nama Dono-Kasino-Indro atau DKI (yang merupakan pelesetan dari singkatan Daerah Khusus Ibukota). Ini karena nama mereka sebelumnya Warkop Prambors memiliki konsekuensi tersendiri. Selama mereka memakai nama Warkop Prambors, maka mereka harus mengirim royalti kepada Radio Prambors sebagai pemilik nama Prambors. Maka itu kemudian mereka mengganti nama menjadi Warkop DKI, untuk menghentikan praktek upeti itu.
Setelah puas manggung dan mengobrol di udara, Warkop mulai membuat film-film komedi yang selalu laris ditonton oleh masyarakat. Dari filmlah para personil Warkop mulai meraup kekayaan berlimpah. Dengan honor Rp 15.000.000 per satu film untuk satu grup, maka mereka pun kebanjiran uang, karena hampir tiap tahun mereka membintangi satu film di dekade 1980-an. Malah beberapa tahun ada dua film Warkop sekaligus.Dalam era televisi swasta dan menurunnya jumlah produksi film, DKI pun lantas memulai serial televisi sendiri. Serial ini tetap dipertahankan selama beberapa lama walaupun Kasino tutup usia di tahun 1998. Setelah Dono juga meninggal di tahun 2000, Indro menjadi satu-satunya personel Warkop. Sedangkan Nanu sudah meninggal lebih lama karena sakit liver dan dimakamkan di TPU Tanah Kusir Jakarta. selain menjadi komedian ternama indonesia, mereka juga melahirkan grup lawak BAGITO yang digawangi Miing, Didin dan Unang serta alm. Taufik Savalas dan juga artis artis indonesia yang menjadi pemain di Film2 Warkop.
Nah setelah tau sejarahnya, kita bahas kenapa lawakan mereka tak lekang di makan zaman, lawakan mereka tetep eksis karena mereka orang yang kreatif.Kelebihan Warkop dibandingkan grup lawak lain, adalah tingkat kesadaran intelektualitas para anggotanya. Karena sebagian besar adalah mahasiswa (yang kemudian beberapa menjadi sarjana), maka mereka sadar betul akan perlunya profesionalitas dan pengembangan diri kelompok mereka.
Ini dilihat dari keseriusan mereka membentuk staf yang tugasnya membantu mereka dalam mencari bahan lawakan. Salah satu staf Warkop ini kemudian menjadi pentolan sebuah grup lawak, yaitu Tubagus Dedi Gumelar alias Miing Bagito.
Saat itu Miing mengaku bahwa ia ingin sekali menjadi pelawak, dan kebetulan ia diterima menjadi staf Warkop. Kerjanya selain mengumpulkan bahan lawakan, melakukan survei lokasi (di kota atau daerah sekitar tempat Warkop akan manggung), kalau perlu melakukan pekerjaan pembantu sekalipun seperti menyetrika kostum para personil Warkop. Ini dilakukan Miing dengan serius, karena ia sadar disinilah pembelajaran profesionalitas sebuah kelompok lawak. Miing sempat ikut dalam kaset warkop dan film warkop, sebelum akhirnya membentuk kelompok lawak sendiri bersama Didin (saudaranya) dan Hadi Prabowo alias Unang yang diberi nama Bagito (alias Bagi Roto).
itulah alasan kenapa mereka legendaris, karena selain lucu mereka profesional, kreatif dan cerdas. itulah sedikit kisah tentang pelawak legendaris indonesia yang sampai sekarang belum ada tandingannya. Hormat dan memberikan penghargaan yang setinggi tingginya kepada Dono (Wahjoe Sardono), Kasino (Kasino Hadiwibowo) dan Indro (Indrodjojo Kusumonegoro)
“tertawalah sebelum tertawa itu dilarang”
Berikut Hasil Karya WARKOP DKI:
Diskografi (kaset)
* Kaset 01 Cangkir Kopi (warkop Live di Palembang/Plaju, masih ada Nanu)
* Kaset 02 Tenda Warung
* Kaset 03 Mana Tahan
* Kaset 04 Gerhana Asmara (bersama Srimulat)
* Kaset 05 Pengen Melek Hukum (Indro sebagai mahasiswa penyuluh hukum, Kasino, Dono sebagai warga)
* Kaset 06 Pokoknya Betul - Ke Bali (Dono dan Indro pengen ke Bali, tanya ke Kasino yang orang Bali)
* Kaset 07 Semua Bisa Diatur - Lurah Indro (Indro sebagai Lurah, Dono dan Kasino sebagai warga, featuring Mi'ing sebagai rakyat / petugas RSJ)
* Kaset 08 Dokter Masuk Desa (Indro sebagai dokter baru masuk desa, dono dan kasino sebagai warga)
* Kaset 09 Makin Tipis Makin Asik (Indro sebagai pak Guru, Kasino dan Dono sebagai murid-murid)
Kebanyakan film Warkop tidak dapat diedarkan secara internasional karena masalah pelanggaran hak cipta, yaitu digunakannya musik oleh komponis Henry Mancini tanpa izin atau mencantumkan namanya dalam film.
* Mana Tahaaan... (1979) bersama Elvy Sukaesih, Rahayu Effendi
* Gengsi Doong (1980) bersama Camelia Malik
* Pintar Pintar Bodoh (1980) bersama Eva Arnaz, Debby Cynthia Dewi, Dorman Borisman, dan Dana Christina
* GeEr - Gede Rasa (1980) bersama Dorman Borisman, Ita Mustafa, dan Itje Trisnawati
* Manusia 6.000.000 Dollar (1981) bersama Eva Arnaz dan Dorman Borisman
* IQ Jongkok (1981) bersama Enny Haryono, Marissa Haque, dan Alicia Djohar
* Setan Kredit (1981) bersama Minati Atmanegara dan Alicia Djohar
* Dongkrak Antik (1982) bersama Meriam Bellina, Mat Solar, dan Pietrajaya Burnama
* Chips (1982) bersama Sherly Malinton, Tetty Liz Indriati dan Chintami Atmanegara
* Maju Kena Mundur Kena (1983) bersama Eva Arnaz, Lydia Kandou, Us Us
* Pokoknya Beres (1983) bersama Eva Arnaz, Lydia Kandou, Us Us, dan Nourma Yunita
* Itu Bisa Diatur (1984) bersama Ira Wibowo, Lia Warokka, dan Aminah Cendrakasih
* Tahu Diri Dong (1984) bersama Eva Arnaz, Lydia Kandou, Aminah Cendrakasih, Wieke Widowati dan Us Us.
* Kesempatan Dalam Kesempitan (1985) bersama Lydia Kandou, Nena Rosier, Leily Sagita, Lia Warokka, Lina Budiarti, Kaharuddin Syah, dan Fanny Bauty.
* Gantian Dong (1985) bersama Ira Wibowo, Lia Warokka, Chintami Atmanegara, Lelly Sagita, Wieke Widowati, dan Advent Bangun
* Atas Boleh Bawah Boleh (1986) besama Eva Arnaz, Dian Nitami, dan Wolly Sutinah
* Sama Juga Bohong (1986) bersama Ayu Azhari, Nia Zulkarnaen, dan Chintami Atmanegara
* Depan Bisa Belakang Bisa (1987) bersama Eva Arnaz dan HIM Damsyik
* Makin Lama Makin Asyik (1987) bersama Meriam Bellina dan Timbul
* Saya Suka Kamu Punya (1987) bersama Doyok
* Jodoh Boleh Diatur (1988) bersama Raja Ema, Silvana Herman, Yurike Prastika, Ira Wibowo, dan Nia Zulkarnaen
* Malu-Malu Mau (1988) bersama Nurul Arifin dan Sherly Malinton
* Godain Kita Dong (1989) bersama Liza Patzy, Ida Kusumah dan Tarsan
* Sabar Dulu Doong...! (1989) bersama Anna Sherley dan Eva Arnaz
* Mana Bisa Tahan (1990) bersama Nurul Arifin dan Sally Marcellina
* Sudah Pasti Tahan (1991) bersama Nurul Arifin dan Sally Marcellina
* Bisa Naik Bisa Turun (1991) bersama Kiki Fatmala dan Sally Marcellina
* Lupa Aturan Main (1991) bersama Eva Arnaz, Fotunella, Hengky Solaiman
* Masuk Kena Keluar Kena (1992) bersama Kiki Fatmala, Fortunella dan Sally Marcellina
* Salah Masuk (1992) bersama Gitty Srinita dan Angel Ibrahim
* Bebas Aturan Main (1993) bersama Lella Anggraini, Gitty Srinita dan Diah Permatasari
* Bagi-Bagi Dong (1993) bersama Kiki Fatmala dan Inneke Koesherawati
* Saya Duluan Dong (1994) bersama Diah Permatasari, Gitty Srinita, dan HIM Damsyik
* Pencet Sana Pencet Sini (1994) bersama Sally Marcellina dan Taffana Dewi
Acara TV
Warkop Millennium adalah sebuah sinetron di televisi yang menampilkan Warkop bersama Karina Suwandi dan Roweina Umboh.
* Indro Berperan sebagai dirinya sendiri dengan peran istri oleh Karina Suwandi
* Kasino Berperan sebagai dirinya sendiri dengan peran istri Roweina Umboh
* Dono Berperan sebagai kakak dari Karina Suwandi sekaligus iparnya dari Indro
* Kasino dan Roweina adalah tetangga dari Indro, Karina, dan Dono
Saturday, December 6, 2008
English Football and the Credit Crunch By Jason Towse
English football is a multi billion pound industry and has seen plenty of foreign investment in recent years. The global credit crunch has lead to uncertainty over whether the economic climate will affect English football. With job losses and rising prices, the humble supporter might feel the pinch worst of all.
Watching your favourite team can be an expensive business and there are many things which add up to the total cost of attending matches. The match ticket may be the obvious cost associated with football but there are additional costs such as travel to and from games as well as the purchase of food and drink. Those fans that follow their team away will have an even bigger outlay compared to home games.
If the cost of attending matches does get too expensive there are steps that English football clubs can take to entice supporters through the turnstiles. Many clubs offer reduced ticket prices on certain low profile games. There are also occasions where kids will be allowed admission for a vastly reduced fee.
For a father who attends football matches with his children, the mounting costs can be painful. These reduced price measures will help to keep fans interested otherwise they could be tempted to stay at home and get their football fix from watching live matches on satellite or cable television channels.
It seems that the more obvious signs of the credit crunch affecting English football are likely to be felt in the boardroom. Some of the wealthiest club owners, chairmen and directors have seen the value of assets and investments plummet during the economic downturn.
It is not the ideal time to be selling a football club or seeking fresh investment. Many clubs have built up large debts which they now struggle to service. It remains to be seen whether the spiralling transfer fees of recent times will be checked. And it may take some time for the affects of the credit crunch to filter through to the supporters.
For more articles related to football please visit English Football News where you will find the latest soccer news and comment from the premiership scene as well as English football in general.
The author is an experienced sports journalist and has a keen interest in sports betting, poker and financial trading you can see some of his work at Football Betting System which is a popular soccer betting resource for use on the betting exchanges.
Article Source:
Watching your favourite team can be an expensive business and there are many things which add up to the total cost of attending matches. The match ticket may be the obvious cost associated with football but there are additional costs such as travel to and from games as well as the purchase of food and drink. Those fans that follow their team away will have an even bigger outlay compared to home games.
If the cost of attending matches does get too expensive there are steps that English football clubs can take to entice supporters through the turnstiles. Many clubs offer reduced ticket prices on certain low profile games. There are also occasions where kids will be allowed admission for a vastly reduced fee.
For a father who attends football matches with his children, the mounting costs can be painful. These reduced price measures will help to keep fans interested otherwise they could be tempted to stay at home and get their football fix from watching live matches on satellite or cable television channels.
It seems that the more obvious signs of the credit crunch affecting English football are likely to be felt in the boardroom. Some of the wealthiest club owners, chairmen and directors have seen the value of assets and investments plummet during the economic downturn.
It is not the ideal time to be selling a football club or seeking fresh investment. Many clubs have built up large debts which they now struggle to service. It remains to be seen whether the spiralling transfer fees of recent times will be checked. And it may take some time for the affects of the credit crunch to filter through to the supporters.
For more articles related to football please visit English Football News where you will find the latest soccer news and comment from the premiership scene as well as English football in general.
The author is an experienced sports journalist and has a keen interest in sports betting, poker and financial trading you can see some of his work at Football Betting System which is a popular soccer betting resource for use on the betting exchanges.
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